Abdulla Kozhanov, Head of the Production and Technical Service of Baiken – U LLP:

This is my first visit to the exhibition and the impressions are excellent. Unfortunately, it was not possible to come last year. This year I decided not to miss the opportunity and did not regret coming. Everything is organized at the highest level. There are many interesting solutions presented here: from technologies and equipment to mineral beneficiation processes. I found several companies that aroused professional interest. Moreover, it turned out that we already cooperate with some of them, we just didn't know that they were exhibiting here. It was a pleasure to meet with partners and make new contacts. Everything was thought out and carried out competently. Thanks to the organizers for the excellent work.

Andrey Kirichenko, Specialist of the Commercial Department of Geodjet Group:

The exhibition left a very pleasant impression. Everything is organized at a decent level, there are many interesting and useful solutions that can be applied in the work. I especially liked the variety of companies represented - each stand offered something new and valuable. We came here for information, and we got it completely. We also managed to establish useful contacts and discuss prospects for cooperation with new partners. The atmosphere was very businesslike and friendly at the same time, which contributed to productive communication. Overall, I am satisfied and plan to visit the exhibition next year.

Anuar Bekeshev, Project Manager of Tama Gold LLP:

This is my second visit to the exhibition, and my impressions have remained positive again. Last year, I took the catalog and gradually worked through the contacts, which gave good results. This time I have a similar goal - to find potential partners for the future. As a company engaged in subsurface use, we are looking for contractors for drilling and mining operations, as well as for geological support. Drilling rigs are of particular interest, as we plan to open our own drilling division. We were already able to meet familiar faces at the exhibition; we had previously communicated with some of them. Although no final agreements have been concluded yet, there are volumes of works that we are discussing with potential partners. After the exhibition, we will definitely contact them to discuss the details of cooperation. I plan to visit the exhibition again next year, this is one of the key events in the industry for us, which helps us find new opportunities and develop our business.

Olga Lomakina, Sales Manager of Nouryon:

This is the first time we are visiting the exhibition, although we have heard about it for many years. It was not possible to come before, but now we are very glad that we were finally able to visit. To be honest, we expected the exhibition to be smaller in scale, as we have been to similar events in Russia and Uzbekistan. However, here we were really pleasantly surprised by everything: both the companies represented and the general level of organization. We were delighted! Today we have already managed to meet with several companies that are interesting to us. We plan to continue negotiations tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. We had several very good meetings, exchanged contacts - the discussions turned out to be more productive than we expected. The impressions are extremely positive, the exhibition exceeded our expectations. We plan to visit the exhibition next year. Thank you so much for the excellent organization.

Aigerim Nursalimova, Metrologist of Scientia Kazakhstan LLP:

I have been visiting the exhibition for more than five years, and I am satisfied every time. I really like the representation of companies, I can always find something new to work on. The organization is at a high level, everything is just fine. I found a lot of interesting companies that I had already worked with before, and also met new partners. Preliminary agreements have been concluded, which will form the basis for further cooperation. Of course, I plan to visit the exhibition in the future. This is already a tradition for us - we visit it every year and never miss it.


Oleg Kostyukov, Pulslogistic:

I came from Belarus and this is my first time visiting the Mining and Metals Central Asia exhibition. In general, it is very interesting, there is something to compare with. I have been to many countries, attended many exhibitions - the level is decent, the stands are all interesting. There are many companies represented that we would like to start cooperation with. In general, there are only positive emotions from the exhibition. At the exhibition platform, we previously agreed to call more than 50 companies and discuss points of cooperation. There is a lot of competition here, it’s nice to talk to everyone about work matters. Thank you!

Alexey Furtsev, EuroChem:

We are visiting the Mining and Metals Central Asia exhibition for the second time. In my opinion, the exhibition has doubled in size and has become more interesting. If earlier there were mainly first brands, today there are simpler companies, which may be more interesting for the end buyer. The market has expanded, there is more competition, I see many countries here. I am interested in Iran, Russia, China, so it became more interesting for me. I’m not planning any deals yet; we have agreed on follow-up meetings with at least several companies.

Dmitry Logvinov, Mitsan TH:

This is our first time at the Mining and Metals Central Asia exhibition. We haven’t had time to look through everything yet; it’s quite a large-scale exhibition; we haven’t visited all the stands. The companies are located in three pavilions, it is difficult to see everything quickly. Here we are looking for new customers. Interesting companies are present, given that we are from Russia, there is a specific presence of such companies that are not present at similar exhibitions in Russia. Therefore, we have someone here to talk to, and there is a great prospect for developing relations with Kazakhstani business.

Denis Valuisky, Kentek:

I have been to exhibitions in different countries several times, there is something to compare with. I visited this exhibition for the first time, I liked it, it is not inferior to other exhibitions that took place in the best years, before the leaders left. The exhibition is excellent, the representation of exhibitors was surprising, the exposition is full, there are little-known manufacturers, there are also world leaders in European, American, and Chinese manufacturers. There have been no preliminary agreements within the framework of the exhibition, our company itself is European, we supply spare parts and plan to open a branch in Almaty next year, so we came more for reconnaissance, to see what is there, to learn about the preliminary situation on the market and to get to know our competitors.

Nurzhan Toimanov, Pro Industrial Group:

This is my sixth time visiting the Mining and Metals Central Asia exhibition. Compared to last year, this year there is very good interest in terms of attendance, there are a lot of people in the pavilions. It stands to mention that the equipment on display has also increased significantly and the contingent has become more professional. Every year, I hope, it will be even more and better. I’m glad I found what I was looking for here. There are new cooperation agreements, new customers. In the future, we will increase contacts and, accordingly, work to develop the business.


Magzhan Maratovich Abdrakhmanov, ERG Service:

We visited the exhibition for the first time, mainly the mining direction is presented here, we have the direction of mechanics, welding, power equipment. Therefore, I expected that there would be only a mining direction, but it turned out that there is information on our area as well. So far, we have found more than 3 potential companies for further cooperation. If this exhibition is productive for us, we plan to visit next year.

Zhanna Bisenova, MTS International Commodity Exchange:

I believe that the exhibition is an excellent platform where you can get to know customers, suppliers, hear opinions about yourself, about the campaign, learn new information, and establish contacts. The exhibition provides an opportunity to personally meet companies from other cities. Previously, 5 years ago, I visited not with such great interest as now. I believe that the level of organization of the exhibition has improved markedly. In the future, the more companies that participate, the better.

Kimrat Iksanov, ERG:

I came to the exhibition in order to find a pump for cleaning, as well as to get acquainted with the new products on the market. Since I used to deal with mining equipment, repair and maintenance, it was interesting to find out what new technologies are in our field. I liked the exhibition, it was placed in three pavilions and on the street, which is more than we have in Astana. I saw many people I know, colleagues with whom I had previously worked and collaborated. This is my first time at this exhibition, and I am waiting for an invitation next year.

Ivan Kovalyov, Sary-Arka Copper Processing LLC:

I work in the procurement department of an ore mining company. I visited the exhibition in order to visit old suppliers, talk with new ones. The exhibition is interesting, I have been visiting it for the last 3 years. The level of organization is impressive, the list of participants is extensive.

Mikhail Ozherelyev, Kcell:

Mining and Metals CA came to the exhibition in order to find information on the digitalization of production, which is now extremely useful for the mining and oil industries. I wanted to get acquainted in general with what companies are promoting here, and what we can offer our potential customers in the future. I visit the exhibition for the first time, I did not know what to expect, everything is organized at the highest international level. I would like such exhibitions to be held more globally and everywhere, as well as to have separate directions for solutions in digitalization.

Nurdaulet Sagyndykov, AAEngineering:

The purpose of visiting this exhibition is to find new innovative products in the MMC. We are a design company, we design plants, enriching factories, gold recovery plants. For the project, we are looking for the latest equipment that will work efficiently without repair. I visit this exhibition for the first time, the impressions are only positive. Thank you!


Tretkov Vladimir, General Director, Stuwa LLP (Germany)

I have been attending the exhibition almost from the first days of its opening in Kazakhstan, at least, for 15 years. At one time our company was a participant of the exhibition, but due to covid restrictions from our parent company we can not participate with a stand yet. Here we are most interested in ore processing. At the exhibition we have planned additional meetings with two big companies, started negotiations and next week we will discuss everything in more detail. One thing I can say is that Iteca is the best company in the exhibition organization, we have been working with them for a very long time. I am very happy that the exhibition is back offline again. I've been looking forward to this show for two years and I'm very happy about it. In the literal sense of the word «I came running» as soon as I received an invitation to visit the exhibition.

Skakov Murat, Deputy General Director, Caspian Contractors Trust Atyrau LLP (Kazakhstan)

We come to the Mining & Metals exhibition from Atyrau every year. By visiting this exhibition we expect to get contacts of our colleagues who specialize in the design of mining production, thus, our goal is to establish business contacts and obtain relevant industry information. In addition, we expect to present information about ourselves to a certain circle of people. As usual, Iteca has organised the exhibition to a very high standard and: right at the entrance there is an Ashyq system, which reduces the risk of spreading a coronavirus infection. At the entrance there is information about the location of stands and the work in the pavilions is very well organized. Visiting different international exhibitions I can definitely say that ours is no worse than in Almaty.

Proschenko Pyotr, Business development manager, Ferrexpo (Ukraine)

We came from Ukraine and we can say that it is a wonderful exhibition. I can also mention the accessibility of the exhibition, i.e. the opportunity to get acquainted with the innovations in the field of MMC devices and technologies. At the exhibition there is a great possibility to talk to the competent specialists. The content of the exhibition is very interesting. There is no point equipment that we came for. We are interested in absolutely everything presented here: from laboratory equipment to big mining machines. Everything is interesting and new, we talked to the qualified specialists and participants. We got a lot of useful and new information and we will bring it to our site. Definitely we will visit this exhibition next year in 2022.

Usmanova Gulmira, Senior geologist, Tolagay-ken LLP (Kazakhstan)

I really liked the organization of this exhibition, it is not the first time I attend exhibitions, I have something to compare it with. This time I liked the fact that the stands were very conveniently grouped by sections, it was easy to find the necessary exhibitors and to select the necessary equipment. At the exhibition, my task was to select new technologies and equipment for the future work of our company. There are some changes in the organization of the exhibition after the pandemic: smaller number of stands, smaller number of visitors and epidemiological restrictions. But in any case, the exhibition is always a holiday for the business.

Kadyrbergenov Zhaik, Chief project engineer, KazPromStroyInzhiniring LLP (Kazakhstan)

I am engaged in the design of enterprises, including mining enterprises and enrichment plants. I came from Karaganda especially for this exhibition, I have been attending Mining & Metals for 15 years. Since this exhibition is organized specifically for my profile, I try not to miss this event. At the moment, I am interested in the design of mining enterprises and processing plants, including all kinds of innovations and new technologies. Our company is interested in everything new and relevant to the industry. If we come across good technologies at the exhibition (with high productivity but low costs), we will recommend them for implementation in our design and production. The organization of the exhibition is very well arranged, as long as I visit this exhibition I always see the improvements. From year to year the exhibition is only getting better.